Ticket #243: 07.11.2013.txt

File 07.11.2013.txt, 2.4 KB (added by bowe@…, 10 years ago)

weiterer Log eines festgefahrenen Ereignisses (Strg war fest)

1Window: U:\Eigene Dateien\NEO\neovars\neo20-all.ahk - AutoHotkey v1.1.13.01
2Keybd hook: yes
3Mouse hook: no
4Enabled Timers: 0 of 0 ()
5Interrupted threads: 0
6Paused threads: 0 of 0 (0 layers)
7Modifiers (GetKeyState() now) =
8Modifiers (Hook's Logical) =
9Modifiers (Hook's Physical) =
10Prefix key is down: no
12NOTE: To disable the key history shown below, add the line "#KeyHistory 0" anywhere in the script. The same method can be used to change the size of the history buffer. For example: #KeyHistory 100 (Default is 40, Max is 500)
14The oldest are listed first. VK=Virtual Key, SC=Scan Code, Elapsed=Seconds since the previous event. Types: h=Hook Hotkey, s=Suppressed (blocked), i=Ignored because it was generated by an AHK script, a=Artificial, #=Disabled via #IfWinActive/Exist, U=Unicode character (SendInput).
16VK SC Type Up/Dn Elapsed Key Window
18A4 038 u 0.05 LAlt
19A2 01D u 0.00 LControl
20A2 01D u 0.00 LControl
21A5 138 h u 0.00 RAlt
22A2 01D d 0.09 LControl
23A4 038 d 0.05 LAlt
24A2 01D u 0.05 LControl
25A3 11D d 0.00 RControl
26A5 138 h d 0.00 RAlt
27A2 01D i u 0.00 LControl
28A5 138 i u 0.00 RAlt
29A4 038 u 0.06 LAlt
30A3 11D u 0.00 RControl
31A2 01D u 0.08 LControl
32A2 01D u 0.00 LControl
33A5 138 h u 0.00 RAlt
34A0 02A h d 0.08 LShift
35A0 02A i d 0.00 LShift
36A0 02A h u 0.11 LShift
37A0 02A i u 0.00 LShift
38A3 11D d 0.05 RControl
39A5 138 h d 0.00 RAlt
40A2 01D i u 0.00 LControl
41A5 138 i u 0.00 RAlt
42A3 11D u 0.06 RControl
43A2 01D u 0.05 LControl
44A2 01D u 0.00 LControl
45A5 138 h u 0.00 RAlt
46A4 038 d 0.12 LAlt
47A2 01D d 0.08 LControl
48A2 01D u 0.05 LControl
49A3 11D d 0.00 RControl
50A5 138 h d 0.00 RAlt
51A2 01D i u 0.00 LControl
52A5 138 i u 0.00 RAlt
53A4 038 u 0.05 LAlt
54A3 11D u 0.06 RControl
55A2 01D u 0.03 LControl
56A2 01D u 0.00 LControl
57A5 138 h u 0.00 RAlt
58Press [F5] to refresh.