Custom Query (308 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 308)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#119 fixed AHK: bei aktiviertem mod4-Lock geht Bildschirmtastatur nicht mehr hc

AHK r1518-r1506

Reproduzieren: Mod4-Lock aktivieren, dann mod3+F1 drücken.

Erwartet: Bildschirmtastatur öffnet sich.

Passiert: nichts, bzw. offenbar wird F1 an Applikation durchgereicht.

#120 fixed Fehler im Lernmodus anonymous

Bei aktiviertem Lernmodus funktioniert die v-Taste auf Ebene 4 (Backspace) nicht. (Verwendetes System: Windows XP SP2, verwendete Neo-Versior: Neo_portable)

#121 fixed one-handed neo? / straight key layout? milkservice@…

hey there!

i'm using neo for some 2 years now and i like it much, good luck with establishing it!

on the old webpage you wrote that you'd like to do a one-handed optimized version too. is there still a chance for this to happen? i've thought about such an onscreen-keyboard for newer capacitive touch tablets.

another question: when you'll promote the neo layout (i just saw your milestones), will you recommend keyboard manufacturers to go away from the awkwardly skewed layout to a straight aligned (or at least symmetric) one? i mean keys like e,c,p in one VERTICAL line like on the touchstream i'm using:

one last thing, i should have checked myself, but i'm using an old customized neo layout: i found it very practical with activated caps lock that the number row still types numbers (like in the swiss layout).

actually - why is this page in english when it's a german layout??

greetings, and thumbs up for your work! fabb

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