Es gibt wohl noch kein neo layout fürs iphone, oder IOS aber Ich hatte eine interessante Konversation im irc channel:
[23:10] {rubo77} is there an app to swich to NEO on my iphone?
[23:20] {ThomasEgi} .. neo.. on an iphone..
[23:21] {ThomasEgi} can you touchtype on a touchscreen?
[23:23] {crazy_imp} don't think it's an good idea, guess the best reachable keys are the ones you can reach with your thumb if you hold the device with both hands
[23:24] {crazy_imp} which will be two curves, not one straight line from left to right
[23:25] {qwertfisch} rubo77: you can’t switch, because Apple restricts the layouts. Although it is possible to jailbreak and create some layout with software like iKeyEx.
[23:25] {qwertfisch} Apart from that … i don’t think there will be much of an advantage. It would need a kind of mobile neo.
[23:27] {frakturfreak} Hasn’t there been a jokely proposed update to t9
[23:27] {frakturfreak} by ArneBab and Mike1?
[23:27] {frakturfreak} like hm t10 or something like that
[23:27] {qwertfisch} Yes would be possible, but not on (restricted) iPhone
[23:27] {frakturfreak} It was no clear idea and maybe no the right thing

ich bin der Entwickler des optionalen Einhänder-Layouts ENTIkey++

Würde mich interessieren ob Es eine ergonomische Eingabe Alternative für mobile devices gibt.

es gab ja mal Die App Retype-C aber das scheint es nicht mehr zu geben

Eine andere Sichtweise :

Sinn macht NEO für IOS, wenn man externe Tastaturen im Einsatz hat. Ich verwende die Logitech Ultrathin KB Cover Tastatur mit meinem IPad. Meine E-Mails würde ich gern in NEO tippen.

Lutz <…>

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 04/01/14 08:13:05
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